Kulu Manzi in times of Corona crisis
Covid-19 does not leave South Africa without a trace. After the start of the national lockdown on March 26th, curbing the virus has top priority. The rule is: stay at home and slow down the spread. Fortunately, most townships are still relatively unaffected. Nevertheless, we look towards Lavender Hill with concern: where so many people live together in a confined space, social distancing is a far greater challenge than for us in Germany. We hope that the measures will work and that the townships will be largely spared. Meanwhile, we are using the time and are working on new cooperation opportunities from Germany. After we established the handball programs at four schools in Lavender Hill together with Play Handball and Learning in Reach in 2017, two of the schools – Zerilda Park and Levana Primary – have now taken matters into their own hands. Teachers and students are motivated, have accepted the programs well and are continuing the afternoon programs and lessons independently. A great result for us! This allows us to devote ourselves to new goals: We are currently developing a new concept for a cooperation in the sports and university sector. We will inform you as soon as we have something new and keep you up to date on all new developments. Stay healthy!